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Friday, January 9, 2015

Exclamation Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's nothing better than an overabundance of exclamation points to help jazz up that story of yours!  I highly suggest using them as much as possible whether it makes sense to do so or not!
Let's face it, punctuation can be so drab these days!  Periods are last weeks news and don't even get me started on question marks!
The great writer, F. Scott Fitzgerald, once said this on the subject, "Using exclamation points is like laughing at your own jokes."
...Wait, don't listen to him!  What does he know!?  Quick, off the top of your head, can you name 276 people who has read a piece of his work!?
Didn't think so!
If your instincts say use an exclamation point after a sentence like:  "Bob sat down in his rocking chair!"  or something equally mundane, then I say go for it and don't let anyone tell you different!
So remember, if there are more periods in your story than exclamation points, you're doing something wrong! And never use a question mark without one!?  Example: Lovely sweater, is that a cardigan!?  (See, that sentence made total sense and was not at all confusing!)

Oh shit!  I got to go!  My dog just got shot in the face!  He's dead!  My kids are going to cry for days!

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